Full Spectrum Astrology @ Earth School, Feb 11th and 25th, 2014!

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I’m excited to announce that I’ll be hosing a new Astrology Meetup at Earth School, Full Spectrum Astrology, every other Tuesday starting February 11th, 2014. Make it an astrology night out, details below! Thank you to Castle, Daniel, Krista and the rest of the Earth School team! Thadd:::SignsInLife

Full Spectrum Astrology @ Earth School

Tuesday nights, February 11th and 25th, 2014, 8pm to 9pm

2100 S.E. Loop 820, Ft. Worth, TX 76140

In the first class (and probably the 2nd class) we will discuss what our expectations are of astrology, why astrology might or might not work for everyone, the different kinds of astrology and what they are used for as well as our personal experiences with astrological consultations, favorite astrology books and common superstition, prejudices, etc. Basically, what do people want astrology to do and can we help with those needs, wants and goals in the astrological analysis? We will open the floor for chart readings in the last half and discuss what future Earth School astrology meetups will be like. All astrologers, skeptics as well as the spiritually and metaphysically inclined are welcome to attend.

You can read more about the Earth School at the SignsInLife Astro Links page at the bottom under More Great Sites or simply go to the Earth School site.

Directions: Earth School is off the Loop 820/I-20 access road (Loop 820 & I-20 are the same in this area), near I-35W just to the east. Earth School is in the same building as Reliant Signs, on the right side of the building.

(1) Take the Campus Dr. Exit if you are coming from Dallas (Westbound). Continue straight through the Campus Dr signal light (the road curves) and stay on the access road. You will turn around under the I-20/820 bridge. Just past the new Tandy glass building is Earth School. It is immediately after the new Tandy building. (2) Take the Oak Grove Rd exit if you are coming from Ft. Worth (Eastbound). Go through the Oak Grove intersection and stay on the access road to the left and go towards the new Tandy glass building on the right. Earth School is immediately after the new Tandy building. Please look up the address on Google Maps before coming out, just search Earth School Enterprises. Parking is on the left as soon as you pull in the driveway.
