March 2019 Astrology, Events and Important March Birthdays



Happy Pisces New Moon everyone!

First, a very special thanks to all who attended the Activate Your Life Through Astrology Summit. And thank you to those who have claimed their free gifts as well as to those who have scheduled and/or received their complimentary Vibrational Astrology session. It has been a pleasure working with all of you. Many, many special thanks to fellow astrologer Sally Boyd for inviting me to participate in this free summit that she created. Sally has decided to make ALL of the interviews available for the next 72 hours starting today! Here is the link.

Next, I will continue to schedule clients for the complimentary (free) 30 to 45 min Vibrational Astrology session either over the phone, Skype or Zoom. Please have an accurate time of birth from a birth certificate or official record if possible prior to the session. As I learn and apply this new type of astrological language, you will receive the benefit of self knowledge at the cutting edge of astrology research today.

On that note (and primarily because of the summit) I am booked solid for the next couple of weeks at least, so please be patient with appointment times. I know that everyone is incredibly busy these days and I will do my best to accommodate your schedule!

Also, I’ve got one more scheduled in-person event at Crystal Source for this month and one for next month, on Saturday April 13th.  Come to the Meetup for up to date astrological info, a complimentary reading, astrology learning and more. Here is the Meetup link. A very special thanks to James at Crystal Source for his support over the last 4+ years.

This month’s Meetup is:

  • Saturday March 9th, 3pm to 6pm at Crystal Source (see the Meetup link above).

Next months’ Meetup will be:

  • Saturday April 13th, 3pm to 6pm at Crystal Source

One more item before we get into the astrology of March; there is the 1st Annual Vibrational Astrology Conference happening in Gainsville, FL on April 5th, 6th and 7th, 2019. There will be exciting, never before revealed, cutting edge astrological knowledge shared at this conference, so if you are in the area and/or have the time to attend then I highly recommend that you do!

Here are a handful of select important birthdays and celestial events for March 2019. New and Full Moons are listed. Times are important but not critical for the birthdays and are listed only for your reference (subtract 5 hours for EST, 6 for CST, 4 hours for EDT, 5 for CDT, etc.)

Hot Spots are the Important Birthdays. Each astrological event will have some impact for people with the Important Birthdays listed for the astrological event. Keep in mind that even if your birthday is not listed, either on the day of the event itself or before or after the “hot spots” listed underneath, then that astrological event could still be significant for your birthday. You do not need to know the year of birth in order to use the information below.

Important Birthdays and Celestial Events for March 2019

Mercury stations Retrograde (MR) at 29 Pisces 36 on March 5th @ 6:21pm GMT, 1:21pm EST

This is a medium cycle retrograde period for Mercury, spanning 23 days and a little over 13 degrees. This means that the general tone of this MR period can go either way, generally chaotic or not as noticeable as other MR times (but I think that this one will be noticeable as Mercury will station retrograde just before the New Moon and station direct very near Neptune on the 28th, near the New Moon degree).

The important thing to remember with MR is that when things seem to be falling apart, they generally just appear to be that way. Be calm and try not to rush. Communications will tend to break down and misunderstandings are very common during this period. Technology and transportation related affairs take a nose dive. Take the time to breathe and think logically of what the next step should be. On the other hand, you may be swept into an adventure or a wild goose chase or both! This can be a magical time if you allow it.

For the birthdays below, watch how time and the world is flowing around you on March 5th, take it easy and be mindful what you are thinking and saying and observe. Sometimes we have to go with the flow. Here’s an article that I wrote last year about Mercury Retrograde.

Mercury Retrograde Important Birthdays:

Pisces and Aries Sun Conjunct Mercury Retrograde:
Hot Spots: March 19, 20, 21

Gemini and Cancer Sun Square Mercury Retrograde
Hot Spots: June 20, 21, 22

Virgo and Libra Sun Opposite Mercury Retrograde
Hot Spots: September 22, 23, 24

Sagittarius and Capricorn Sun Opposite Mercury Retrograde
Hot Spots: December 20, 21, 22

Uranus moves into Taurus on March 6th @ 8:28am GMT, 3:28am EST

Uranus is finally moving into Taurus and will not be moving retrograde back into the sign of Aries for approximately 84 years.

This means that Uranus has a roughly 84 year orbit, so if you live long enough, you will get to experience the “second childhood” that Uranus offers at this time, health and spirits notwithstanding.

One of the most interesting things about Uranus in the sign of Taurus, is that many modern astrologers say that Uranus is in the sign of it’s “fall” which is the sign opposite of it’s exaltation sign of Scorpio. Fall is the least dignified status of the ancient way of ascertaining a planet’s strength, the next would be detriment (when a planet is opposite it’s sign of rulership). Whatever the truth is on this, Uranus is changing it’s style and the psychological effects of this on the personal, mundane and spiritual facets of reality will shift accordingly.

If Taurus is about organic unfolding over time (Vibrational Astrology) and Uranus is riding the wave of the “instant” moment of Now, then this abstract idea can provide us with some clues as to how Uranus in Taurus might unfold. What we can do is look the current state of bio engineering and nano technology and see where that might lead us in the next 7 years. What are the downsides to some of these ideas? How will the very Earth oriented sign of Taurus and those planets that reside there respond to an “in the instant moment” approach?

New Moon 15 Pisces 47 March 6th @ 4:05pm GMT, 11:05am EST

The New Moon is Pisces connects with Neptune in Pisces, with a less than a 1/2 degree orb, making this a very Piscean themed month for sure. Mercury retrograde is not far behind, moving backwards, still in the 29th degree of Pisces, the last degree in the last sign of the Zodiac. Contemplate on the following: Oceans, water, fish, fisherman, calm, the expanse, idealistic scenes and idealistic magical ways of seeing the universe and living in our world. Without Neptune, we would be lost and as David Cochrane has been quoted as saying, “Neptune is the reason that we get up in the morning.” So, this New Moon with Mercury retrograde is asking us, “Well, why are you getting up in the morning?”

Keep in mind that Neptune has been transiting over the natal Sun in the chart of the March birthdays, opposing the Sun of the September birthdays and squaring the Sun of the June and December birthdays. This very powerful transit from Neptune is blurring the boundaries and the energy field of all of the birthdays listed. You may be feeling lost, confused, enlightened or just more spiritual and blissful.

New Moon Important Birthday’s:

Pisces Sun Conjunct New Moon
Hot Spots: March 5, 6, 7

Gemini Sun Square New Moon
Hot Spots: June 5, 6, 7

Virgo Sun Opposite New Moon
Hot Spots: September 7, 8, 9

Sagittarius Sun Square New Moon
Hot Spots: December 7, 8, 9


Full Moon 0 Libra 09 March 21st @ 1:44am GMT–March 20th @ 9:44pm EDT

Jupiter is very close to the Moon/Neptune and the Moon Mercury midpoint for this Full Moon chart. This is an exciting, hopeful, idealistic and exploring energy for the mind and soul. Inspirations from the past urge you to journey and quest for the magic that is out there. Partnerships are highlighted as well for the next few weeks. Pair up with an equal and feel the emotional satisfaction that comes from that union.

For the Pisces and Aries birthdays listed below, you are having a full moon on your birthday, so you will have an interesting year, full of excitement, well at least more than usual (The Full Moon is opposing your Sun). This is an important year for you and with the full moon comes a kind of realization. Life is too short to not express what is that you are all about. Life is meant to be lived and that is exactly what is going to happen with Uranus at the last degree of Aries making an out of sign quincunx (150 deg aspect) to the Moon and a semi-sextile to the Sun. So the opportunities are there to meet new people, go to new places and to have your own kind of fun, so be sure to take advantage of it–similar to the trine that I wrote about last month but more unexpected, shall we say (especially more for Cancer Sun birthdays listed below as Uranus is sextile to their Sun). For Virgo and Libra birthdays, Uranus is making the quincunx to your natal Sun, so you will need to stay open to sudden revelations, events and people that come into your life. Be ready to adjust and be present in the “Now” moment.

Full Moon Important Birthday’s:

Pisces and Aries Sun Opposite Full Moon

Hot Spots: March 20, 21, 22

Gemini and Cancer Sun Square Full Moon
Hot Spots: June 21, 22, 23

Virgo and Libra Sun conjunct Full Moon

Hot Spots: September 23, 24, 25

Sagittarius and Capricorn Sun Square Full Moon
Hot Spots: December 21, 22, 23

Mercury stations Direct at 16 Pisces 06 on March 28th @ 2pm GMT, 10am EDT

Mercury stations direct (moving forward in the sky) nearly a degree ahead of Neptune, thus further emphasizing the importance of the New Moon energies described above. We are being reminded by Mercury of the importance and magic that Neptune has to offer us and we are invited to reconnect with that universal order of the cosmic ocean and the life that it provides. The below birthdays may find some kind of resolution with this as their Suns are nearly at the same degree as the birthdays listed above under the New Moon. You can add an extra day after the New Moon birthdays to encompass an adjusted orb for Mercury going direct.

The shadow period for Mercury Retrograde ends in the early morning hours of April 17th and we are simultaneously seeing Mercury move into Aries on the same day, giving us a very quick and welcome fresh start. So if you are one of those who has to wait for Mercury retrograde to truly be “over” then this is the time to wait for as the Mercury station direct is the beginning of the end so to speak as Mercury is retracing it’s steps through the retrograde area or “shadow” one more time.


Unfortunately, I will no longer be a guest astrologer on Star’s Heart of the Matter. Too many commitments, both new and old, have  made it extremely difficult to adequately prepare for the show. It has been a wonderful past 6 months with Star, Stef, Bill, WSR Radio and PFP radio. I thank all of you for the inviting me to do the show and giving me the opportunity to share my knowledge and passion for astrology with the world. I wish you all the very best and continued success.

And you can still tune in to Star’s Heart of the Matter on People For People Radio each and every Friday. The show airs 5pm to 7pm EST and 2pm to 4pm PST.

Also, Star does in-depth Tarot for the sign elements (ex: Earth: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) every week on the show.

There’s more exciting SignsInLife news on the way so be sure to stay subscribed and in the know and pass this email along to your friends and family (and especially if you notice any important birthdays!!). Thanks again everyone.

Many Blessings to all and have a wonderful, happy, safe and productive Year of the Earth Pig!


Revealing Meaning Through Astrology