Five Element Theory

[Home—Start Here!—About—Disclaimer—Events—SignsInLife 4 Pillars Workshop—Services—Archive—Astro Links—Contact—New Astrology @ Crystal Source] Five element theory is one of the most fascinating aspects of Chinese and Asian astrology and is arguably the most essential concept to understanding astrology in the East, aside from the underlying philosophical principle of Yin and Yang or the active and passive principles of Life. The five elements, along …

Learning Astrology

[Home—Start Here!—About—Disclaimer—Events—SignsInLife 4 Pillars Workshop—Services—Archive—Astro Links—Contact—New Astrology @ Crystal Source] A lady was asking me the other day when I started to learn astrology but before I could answer that I had to think back to a time when I was very young. Was it when I was 4, 10 or 14? Astrology really seems to have been with me …

Synchronicity and Astrology

[Home—Start Here!—About—Disclaimer—Events—SignsInLife 4 Pillars Workshop—Services—Archive—Astro Links—Contact—New Astrology @ Crystal Source] I attended an astrology conference with Lee Lehman a few years ago and the focus was on traditional astrology. Prior to the conference I had been studying for about a year practicing my horary skills every chance I could. The conference was of much help to me and was definitely …

Declination…and a Happy New Year!!!

[Home—Start Here!—About—Disclaimer—Events—SignsInLife 4 Pillars Workshop—Services—Archive—Astro Links—Contact—New Astrology @ Crystal Source]   It is simply one of the most undervalued measurements when dealing with planetary interaction, placement and quality of energy. But what is declination? It is the measurement of the angle between a planetary body’s inclination to the Earth’s celestial equator. At the Spring and Autumn Equinox, the Sun’s declination …

Moon Madness and some unlikely Lunar Musings

[Home—Start Here!—About—Disclaimer—Events—SignsInLife 4 Pillars Workshop—Services—Archive—Astro Links—Contact—New Astrology @ Crystal Source] The Moon or Luna has just left Tropical Cancer and I just realized that the Moon has been around in my mind for the past couple of days or so. Moon this and Lunar that, even Looney Tunes on the TV while chatting with a friend about the Moon in …