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It’s been a short while since my last post, so I thought that it was about time that I post something…anything! So here it is, just a short blurb about my upcoming presentation on Thursday, December 4th, 2014 at 7pm at Crystal Source in Hurst, TX ($20 at the door).
What we will be covering is the basics for next year (2015), essentially what to look out for as far as the major astrological trends are concerned. We may even throw the U.S. and/or TX chart in just for fun. Important birthdays and zodiac degrees will be covered as well as we go through the months, so please bring your birth data (day, time and location). And I will be printing off charts for everyone as usual.
I will work in the Chinese animal signs too. I think that these are important key indicators for the year (how energy flows for people throughout the year). Do your best to attend–you will be glad that you did. And bring a friend! See you there, Thadd